Hemorrhoids cause great deal of discomfort and per rectal bleeding leading to Anemia. Traditional surgeries leave large painful wounds in the sensitive anal area which takes almost 3 weeks to heal leading to pain , bleeding and absence from work. HAL-RAR is a novel surgical procedure for hemorrhoids performed as daycare procedure with minimal discomfort, no wounds or bleeding , ultrashort recovery period with early resumption of duties. HAL –RAR procedure is very effective for grade 2-3 & selected cases of grade 4 Hemorrhoids.

Dr. Shashikant Jadhav,
Specialist Surgeon, Dubai


Dr. Jadhav is very caring and comforting doctor with plenty of experince. I was suffering from Anal Fistula and Hemorrhoids for quite some time. I was recommended to see Dr. Jadhav for general surgery. Dr. Jadhav was very patient and comforting through out the surgeical process and even provided his contact number in case of any emergency or queries. Now I am feeling much better and I am really thankful and appreciate Dr. Jadhavs help.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Highly professional and very attentive. Dr Jadhav has very strong experience and knows how to ensure effective treatment with minimal stress for the patient.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Very professional, caring and easy to understand in explanations. Post operation treatment went well and results so far very good.

By Self-verified patient
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The way sir treated is absolutely appreciated and the diagnosis and treatment has been taken with utmost care

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dr. Jadhav did a excellent job for my medical treatment issue. I really appreciate his caring and followup on his patients. I am well treated after my laser surgery and I highly recommend him. Thank you so much Dr. Jadhav!

By Self-verified patient
Average: 5 (1 vote)